Kevin James Lecture FISM 2006

Kevin James Lecture FISM 2006

  • Model: jtpxv92puo8h
  • Availability: In stock

$4.94  $2.47


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Kevin James lecture FISM included the Perrier With a Twist, Animated Card Thru Balloon,Floating Rose and many moore..

the Perrier With a Twist is a routine that Kevin developed in the trenches performing in restaurants and private parties for many years. It is a powerful multi-phase routine that is perfect for strolling environments.
You begin by lighting a piece of paper and it visibly turns into a bottle that is handed out for examination. A 50 cent coin penetrates in and out of the bottle very cleanly and visually right through the glass.
The magician explains that he can tell the secrets and sticks his finger through a "trap door" in the bottle. Then he unscrews the bottom of the bottle and screws it back on! Then passing it out for examination.
You then take a cocktail napkin and cover the bottle, poking a hole so the top of the bottle can be seen. The performer pours water from the bottle and then crushes the paper into a ball. The bottle vanishes!!! The napkin is given to the spectator as a souvenir.
Animated Card Thru Balloon of Death